Javascript String
String chatAt():
charAt is a function which return the character of a string.
Such as
String concat():
Concat() is a function which is responsible to add two or more string.
Such as
But If we are know about ES6 , We will do it by this way.
String includes():
Includes() is a function where we can check a string value is available or not. Includes return Boolean value(true or false).
Such as
String endsWith():
endsWith () is a function where we can check a string last value or length is accurate or not. Includes return Boolean value(true or false). This method is case sensitive.
Such as
String indexOf():
indexOf() is a function where we can find find the positon of a string. If We check the value of a string and find then you will get the positon of a string but if you won’t find the value of a string it will return -1. This method is case sensitive.
Such as
String replace():
Replace() is a function where we can replace a string.
Such as
String slice():
slice() is a function which method we can get the value which positon we want.
Such as
String split():
spilt() is a function where we can convert a string with a substring and spilt method return as a array.
such as
If you any confusion any of this please make comment , I will try to solve any confusion future.